As with 'I Am Legend', I have decided to do both a shot by shot analysis and an opening scene analysis due to wanting to take influence from the two.
Shot 1
Shot 2
Unique establishing shot of road surrounded by dead trees.
Shot 3
Tracking shot of two characters walking out from behind a dead tree.
Shot 4
Wide shot in same place as before but moved back.
Shot 5
Camera moving up hill to become a wide shot of two, what we can assume to be, protagonists.

Shot 6
Tracking shot of two characters from waist pushing trolley full of items.
Shot 7
Tracking shot from behind of two characters pushing trolley.
Shot 8
Wide tracking shot of both characters pushing trolley along from the side.
Shot 9
Extreme wide shot of both characters pushing trolley along road surrounded by dead trees.

Shot 10
Wide shot of both characters pushing trolley along road surrounded by dead trees.
Shot 11
Establishing pan shot of dead, deserted land, tree trunks scattered on floor.
Shot 12
Establishing shot of dead lands again, this time from a higher point.
Shot 13
Shot of character's hands from above moving a map around to see location.

Shot 14
Wide shot of both characters walking together before tree falls behind them and man pulls boy close to him.
Shot 15
Wide shot of characters running with trolley into a nearby deserted store.
Shot 16
Wide tracking shot of characters still pulling trolley into a nearby area.
Shot 17
Wide shot of man stopping next to a gas pump, doing something with it as boy watches on from side, before chucking it to the ground.

Shot 18
Very wide shot of man and boy walking into a room, camera looking on from down corridor.
Shot 19
Shot of hands opening wrapper and pulling something out from it.
Shot 20
Mid shot of man hunching over and giving boy something from the wrapper.
Shot 21
Extreme wide shot of characters pushing trolley down a long, bleak road from front.

Shot 22
Wide shot of characters pushing trolley down the same road with a sign above them from behind.
Shot 23
Close up of sign with 'Behold the valley of slaughter' written on it and a biblical reference below it.
Shot 24
Wide shot of characters from behind pushing trolley into a dark tunnel.
Shot 25
Extreme wide shot from tunnel of characters walking inside with trolley.

Shot 26
Shot of characters walking around a corner, man's arm around boy, to a building surrounded by cars. no trolley with them.
Shot 27
Establishing shot of a deserted road with broken cars on it, frost surrounding them.
Shot 28
Pan shot of dirty floor inside building and the characters' feet walking around the floor.
Shot 29
Mid shot of man looking around the place and boy walking past the man.

Shot 30
Close up of man's hands opening a box of some sort, seeing skeletons inside, before closing the box again.
Shot 31
Medium close up of man walking past the camera (Note: First time we see his face)
Shot 32
Close up of a deer's head on the wall looking down to the right.

Shot 33
Eyeline match with close up of boy's face looking up at the deer on the wall (Note: First time we see boy's face)
Shot 34
Mid shot of boy looking up at the deer from the POV of the man.
Shot 35
Close up of man looking across at the child, giving us the idea that the last shot was a POV shot, before man walks past the camera.

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