Thursday, 13 November 2014

Logistics Planning

We plan on using secluded areas so as to not have things in the shots that we don't want. Certain areas, such as hills, grasslands and warehouses around our local area can be used to create a successful atmosphere for our post-apocalyptic opening. Hardly anybody uses these areas and we have easy access to all of them.

All we need is dirty, rugged clothing to create the needed atmosphere. As of yet, we only have my overcoat, but finding these clothes shouldn't be difficult. We can create the dark atmosphere through editing, so few props are needed. We may litter the place we use before we use them to add to the atmosphere, cleaning it up after we've finished.

Risk Assessment

There are very few risks with our opening. The biggest risk is probably slipping down hills that we're using, especially if it has been raining, but even this risk is small. We just have to be careful where we walk and hope that it hasn't been, or isn't, raining.

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